Menu Ideas 3 : Simple Pizza and Chicken Noodle



For some people, Pizza and Chicken Noodle (Mie Ayam) maybe are not the main menu or are not considered as a proper meals. But to some other people like me, they are a proper meals. But anyways I will not argue about it. Just wanna share a simple recipe to make an easy Pizza dough until become a whole Pizza and a Chicken Noodle that you can have in home. Let’s get started.

  1. Simple Pizza 

Time for serving = 40 minutes

1 person

Sauce and Topping 

  • Preheat the Oven in 200’C in 5 minutes

  • Mixed the chili, tomato sauce, dried Oregano & basil and the Powder chicken broth all together then spread it all the pizza dough evenly.

  • Put the topping begin with the sausage, mushroom, paprika, and in the end spread the grated cheese on top.

  • In the end, put it into the Oven and bake for 15-20 minutes in 200’C.

  • Wait until its brown then enjoy it while hot.

Ingredients ;

  • 400 grams of Chicken breast, cut into square shape

  • 3 of fresh spring onions, sliced thinly

  • Noodle ( I used the ready noodle purchase in Superindo )

  • Caisim 

  • Chili Sauce, Oyster sauce and soy sauce

  • 5 tbs of Vegetables oil

Milled ingredients ;

  • 5 red onions

  • 2 garlic

  • 3 cm of ginger

  • 6 cm of turmeric

  • 2 candlenut

  • Salt, pepper, sugar and powdered chicken broth

  • 2 of bay leaves

  • 3 of lime leaves

  • 1 lemongrass

Seasoned Oil ;

  • Vegetables Oil, salt and 2 minced garlic (saute together until fragrance)

How to serve ;

  • In a medium bowl, put the seasoned Oil and 2 tbs of water from the broth. And you can put the amount of noodle you want, Caisim and chicken above the noodle.

  • Garnish it with fresh sliced spring onions, chili sauce or sambal. And put a little of the minced garlic from the seasoned Oil on top of it.

  • You can put the broth water into the separated bowl with fresh spring onions. 

  • Enjoy it while hot.

Resep in Indonesia

  1. Simple Pizza

Bahan-bahan ;

Pizza Dough/Adonan Pizza

  • 1 ½ cups tepung serba guna

  • 1 ½ sdm Baking Powder

  • 1 sdm minyak sayur/minyak zaitun

  • ½ cup air dan garam secukupnya

Saus dan Topping

  • Saos sambal & saus tomat

  • 1 sosis ayam/sapi, iris tipis

  • Paprika (merah,hijau,kuning), iris memanjang

  • ½ sdt Basil kering and ½ sdt Oregano kering

  • 1 atau lebih jamur Campignon, iris menjadi 5 bagian

  • Kaldu ayam/sapi bubuk secukupnya

  • Keju parut 

Cara membuat :

Pizza Dough/Adonan Pizza

  • Di mangkok besar, masukkan tepung, baking powder dan garam lalu tambahkan minyak dan air.

  • Campur semua bahan dengan sendok atau dengan tangan hingga tercampur dan adonanan tidak basah atau kering. Lalu uleni adonan hingga tidak lengket.

  1. Mie Ayam

Ingredients ;

Pizza Dough

  • 1 ½ cups of all purposed flour

  • 1 ½ tsp of Baking Powder

  • 1 tbs of vegetables oil/Olive oil

  • ½ cup of water and a pinch of salt

Sauce and Topping

  • Chili and tomato sauce

  • 1 Chicken/Beef sausage, sliced thinly

  • Paprika (red,yellow,green), slice 

  • ½ tsp of dried Basil and ½ tsp of dried Oregano

  • 1 or more Campignon mushroom, sliced into 5 pieces

  • Powder chicken broth to taste

  • Grated Cheese 

How to make it :

Pizza Dough

  • In a large bowl, put all purposed flour, baking powder and salt all together then add oil and water.

  • Mixed all the ingredients with spoon or your hand. Then kneed it until not sticky anymore. 

  • Milled the dough until become 1 cm height. Make round or any shape you want.

  • Put the dough into the baking tray with baking paper.

  1. Chicken Noodle ( Mie Ayam )

             Time for serving = 60-70 minutes

         1 person or more

How to make it :

  • Puree the milled ingredients except the bay leaves, lemon leaves and the lemongrass

  • Heat the pan, add the vegetables oil, the pure ingredients and all the leaves together, then saute until fragrance.

  • Add the chicken inside and saute again

  • After the chicken cooked, put  a water inside it and seasoned it with oyster sauce, soy sauce, Salt, pepper, sugar and powdered chicken broth

  • Wait until the water absorbed into the chicken for awhile.

  • Then you can turn the stove off. End of the chicken.

  • Put the noodle into the boiling water, then wait for 2-3 minutes until it cook

  • Boil the caisim for awhile.

  • For the broth. You can boil 300ml of water then put a seasoned oil that you made for 1 tbs, powder of chicken broth and pepper.

  • Giling atau pipihkan adonan setingga 1 or 2 cm. Bentuk adonan menjadi bulat atau kotak sesuai selera.

  • Masukkan adonan di loyang panggang dengan kertas baking.

Sauce and Topping 

  • Panaskan oven selama 5 menit disuhu 200’C.

  • Campur saos sambal, saos tomat, oregarano dan basil kering beserta kaldu ayam bubuk lalu olesakan secara merata keseluruh permukaan adonan Pizza. 

  • Tambahkan topping mulai dari sosis, jamur, paprika, dan terakhir tambahkan Keju parut diatasnya.

  • Terakhir, masukkan adonan di Oven yang sudah dipanaskan lalu panggang selama 15-20 menit disuhu 200’C.

  • Tunggu hingga matang dan kecoklatan lalu nikmati selagi hangat.

Bahan-bahan ;

  • 400 gram dada ayam, potong dadu

  • 3 batang daun bawang, iris tipis

  • Mie  ( Saya beli mie di Superindo atau bisa menggunakan mie lainnya )

  • Caisim 

  • Saos sambal, saos tiram dan kecap manis

  • 5 sdm minyak sayur

Bumbu Halus ;

  • 5 buah bawang merah

  • 2 bawang putih

  • 3 cm jahe

  • 6 cm kunyit

  • 2 kemiri

  • Garan, merica, gula pasir dan kaldu ayam bubuk

  • 2 buah daun salam

  • 3 buah daun jeruk

  • 1 batang serai

Seasoned Oil ;

  • 2 sdm minyak sayur, garam dan 2 buah bawang putih cincang (tumis hingga kecoklatan dan beraroma harum).

Cara membuat :

  • Haluskan semua bahan di bahan bumbu halus kecuali daun jeruk, daun salam dan serai. 

  • Panaskan panci, masukkan minyak untuk menumis lalu masukkan bumbu yang sudah dihaluskan dan daun jeruk, daun salam dan serai yang sudah digeprek lalu tumis hingga harum.

  • Masukkan Ayam lalu kemudian tumis lagi untuk beberapa saat.

  • Setelah ayam sudah setengah matang, masukkan air secukupnya lalu bumbui dengan kecap manis, saos tiram, merica, gula dan kaldu ayam bubuk.

  • Tunggu hingga air meresap kedalam ayam sebentar. Lalu matikan kompor.

  • Masukkan mie di air yang mendidih selama 2-3 menit hingga matang.

  • Rebus caisim sesuai selera.

  • Untuk membuat kuah mie ayam. Rebus 300ml air lalu masukkan bumbu 1 sdm (seasoned Oil) , merica bubuk dan kaldu ayam bubuk lalu masak hingga matang.

         Cara menyajikan ;

  • Siapakan mangkok ukuran sedang, lalu masukkan seasoned Oil dan 2 sdm kuah mie ayam. Tambahkan mie sesuai selera, caisim, dan ayam diatasnya. 

  • Tambahkan irisan daun bawang, saos sambal, atau sambal. Lalu tambahkan 1 sdt bawang di seasoned Oil diatas ayam.

  • Untuk kuah mie ayam. Anda juga bisa menyiapkan dimangkok terpisah dengan menambahkan irisan daun bawang. 

  • Lebih enak jika dinikmati selagi hangat.

Semoga bermanfaat ya. Selamat mencoba. 
See you on my menu ideas 4. 




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