For some people, Pizza and Chicken Noodle (Mie Ayam) maybe are not the main menu or are not considered as a proper meals. But to some other people like me, they are a proper meals. But anyways I will not argue about it. Just wanna share a simple recipe to make an easy Pizza dough until become a whole Pizza and a Chicken Noodle that you can have in home. Let’s get started.
Simple Pizza
Time for serving = 40 minutes 1 person
Sauce and Topping Preheat the Oven in 200’C in 5 minutes Mixed the chili, tomato sauce, dried Oregano & basil and the Powder chicken broth all together then spread it all the pizza dough evenly. Put the topping begin with the sausage, mushroom, paprika, and in the end spread the grated cheese on top. In the end, put it into the Oven and bake for 15-20 minutes in 200’C. Wait until its brown then enjoy it while hot.
Ingredients ; 400 grams of Chicken breast, cut into square shape 3 of fresh spring onions, sliced thinly Noodle ( I used the ready noodle purchase in Superindo ) Caisim Chili Sauce, Oyster sauce and soy sauce 5 tbs of Vegetables oil
Milled ingredients ;
Seasoned Oil ;
How to serve ;
In a medium bowl, put the seasoned Oil and 2 tbs of water from the broth. And you can put the amount of noodle you want, Caisim and chicken above the noodle. Garnish it with fresh sliced spring onions, chili sauce or sambal. And put a little of the minced garlic from the seasoned Oil on top of it. You can put the broth water into the separated bowl with fresh spring onions. Enjoy it while hot.
Resep in Indonesia
Simple Pizza
Bahan-bahan ; Pizza Dough/Adonan Pizza 1 ½ cups tepung serba guna 1 ½ sdm Baking Powder 1 sdm minyak sayur/minyak zaitun ½ cup air dan garam secukupnya
Saus dan Topping Saos sambal & saus tomat 1 sosis ayam/sapi, iris tipis Paprika (merah,hijau,kuning), iris memanjang ½ sdt Basil kering and ½ sdt Oregano kering 1 atau lebih jamur Campignon, iris menjadi 5 bagian Kaldu ayam/sapi bubuk secukupnya Keju parut
Cara membuat :
Pizza Dough/Adonan Pizza Di mangkok besar, masukkan tepung, baking powder dan garam lalu tambahkan minyak dan air. Campur semua bahan dengan sendok atau dengan tangan hingga tercampur dan adonanan tidak basah atau kering. Lalu uleni adonan hingga tidak lengket.
Mie Ayam
| Ingredients ;
Pizza Dough 1 ½ cups of all purposed flour 1 ½ tsp of Baking Powder 1 tbs of vegetables oil/Olive oil ½ cup of water and a pinch of salt
Sauce and Topping Chili and tomato sauce 1 Chicken/Beef sausage, sliced thinly Paprika (red,yellow,green), slice ½ tsp of dried Basil and ½ tsp of dried Oregano 1 or more Campignon mushroom, sliced into 5 pieces Powder chicken broth to taste Grated Cheese
How to make it :
Pizza Dough In a large bowl, put all purposed flour, baking powder and salt all together then add oil and water. Mixed all the ingredients with spoon or your hand. Then kneed it until not sticky anymore. Milled the dough until become 1 cm height. Make round or any shape you want. Put the dough into the baking tray with baking paper.
Chicken Noodle ( Mie Ayam )
Time for serving = 60-70 minutes 1 person or more
How to make it : Puree the milled ingredients except the bay leaves, lemon leaves and the lemongrass Heat the pan, add the vegetables oil, the pure ingredients and all the leaves together, then saute until fragrance. Add the chicken inside and saute again After the chicken cooked, put a water inside it and seasoned it with oyster sauce, soy sauce, Salt, pepper, sugar and powdered chicken broth Wait until the water absorbed into the chicken for awhile. Then you can turn the stove off. End of the chicken. Put the noodle into the boiling water, then wait for 2-3 minutes until it cook Boil the caisim for awhile. For the broth. You can boil 300ml of water then put a seasoned oil that you made for 1 tbs, powder of chicken broth and pepper.
Sauce and Topping
Panaskan oven selama 5 menit disuhu 200’C. Campur saos sambal, saos tomat, oregarano dan basil kering beserta kaldu ayam bubuk lalu olesakan secara merata keseluruh permukaan adonan Pizza. Tambahkan topping mulai dari sosis, jamur, paprika, dan terakhir tambahkan Keju parut diatasnya. Terakhir, masukkan adonan di Oven yang sudah dipanaskan lalu panggang selama 15-20 menit disuhu 200’C. Tunggu hingga matang dan kecoklatan lalu nikmati selagi hangat.
Bahan-bahan ; 400 gram dada ayam, potong dadu 3 batang daun bawang, iris tipis Mie ( Saya beli mie di Superindo atau bisa menggunakan mie lainnya ) Caisim Saos sambal, saos tiram dan kecap manis 5 sdm minyak sayur
Bumbu Halus ;
Seasoned Oil ;
Cara membuat :
Haluskan semua bahan di bahan bumbu halus kecuali daun jeruk, daun salam dan serai. Panaskan panci, masukkan minyak untuk menumis lalu masukkan bumbu yang sudah dihaluskan dan daun jeruk, daun salam dan serai yang sudah digeprek lalu tumis hingga harum. Masukkan Ayam lalu kemudian tumis lagi untuk beberapa saat.
| Setelah ayam sudah setengah matang, masukkan air secukupnya lalu bumbui dengan kecap manis, saos tiram, merica, gula dan kaldu ayam bubuk. Tunggu hingga air meresap kedalam ayam sebentar. Lalu matikan kompor. Masukkan mie di air yang mendidih selama 2-3 menit hingga matang. Rebus caisim sesuai selera. Untuk membuat kuah mie ayam. Rebus 300ml air lalu masukkan bumbu 1 sdm (seasoned Oil) , merica bubuk dan kaldu ayam bubuk lalu masak hingga matang.
Cara menyajikan ;
Siapakan mangkok ukuran sedang, lalu masukkan seasoned Oil dan 2 sdm kuah mie ayam. Tambahkan mie sesuai selera, caisim, dan ayam diatasnya. Tambahkan irisan daun bawang, saos sambal, atau sambal. Lalu tambahkan 1 sdt bawang di seasoned Oil diatas ayam. Untuk kuah mie ayam. Anda juga bisa menyiapkan dimangkok terpisah dengan menambahkan irisan daun bawang. Lebih enak jika dinikmati selagi hangat.
Semoga bermanfaat ya. Selamat mencoba. See you on my menu ideas 4.
Elviera |
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